Auto-atendimento e kiosks em evidência em 2025
As inovações tecnológicas e mudanças nos hábitos de consumo estão cada vez mais a impulsionar o mercado em direção ao autoatendimento, por isso ferramentas como kiosks estão em plena ascensão e prometem avanços significativos em 2025. Esses dispositivos, que já se...
AirMenu team-building event
At AirMenu, we believe that a strong work environment is built on connections that extend beyond the office walls. That's why, on April 10th, we decided to shake things up and organize a special team-building event. We invited our partners from X64 to join us for a...
🍔 Attention Resellers! Partner with AirMenu for X64 Restaurant Kiosk Excellence! 🤝
✨ AirMenu powers the X64 kiosk solution, offering resellers: 🚀 Cutting-edge X64 restaurant kiosk technology 📋 Seamless customization options 💳 Proximity payments for a convenient dining experience 💬 SMS alerts to notify customers when their order is ready 💲 Low prices...
New AirMenu training video series. Portuguese Videos.