AirMenu Support

On this page you can find the answers to your questions related to AirMenu, by consulting our frequently asked questions or by viewing some technical manuals that we have at your disposal.


How do I start using AirMenu?

By accessing  and clicking on the login button. After registering your company, That’s it! Create your account, design your web-app, configure your products and services, and start growing with AirMenu. In the meantime, if you want to be our partner, just contact us. If you are an end-user, simply ask us for a quotation informing us how do you want to use AirMenu. In the meantime, you have full access to all the functionalities of AirMenu.

I can see the value, but I would only need this service once in a while. For how long do I have to subscribe?

For as long as you need! AirMenu is completely adaptable to you and your business’ needs.

Can I manage my business with AirMenu if I already have an IT system implemented?

Yes. That is where AirMenu shines! We are a request management solution with “in real time” internal marketing capabilities, with high compatibility with most IT systems.

I have a promo Code to try AirMenu. How can I activate it?

After you create a profile and account in AirMenu, press “Edit”, followed by “Restaurant Data” and insert your promo Code in the “Introduce Your Promo Code Here” field.

Does AirMenu allow delivery informations such as "lateness" and "out of stock" to reach the client, if I want them to know?

Can clients place their orders even before reaching my business location?

Yes, AirMenu checks the distance between any resquesting client to the pick up area. The request will appear diferently depending on whether it was made in your establishment or remotely. It is, however, impossible to make pick up requests from a certain distance in order to avoid mistaken requests.

Do I need to define a QR code for every table?

You don’t need to individually define to which table corresponds any certain QR code. By creating the QR codes, you’ll define the number of tables availiable in your restaurant and AirMenu will create a single use QR code for each table. This way, you’ll always be sure that the requests made from a certain QR code correspond to one and only one table.

When creating Menus, what is the difference between "Menu" and "Item"? And what is the "Information" option for?

A “Menu” is the list of “Items” that you’ll be able to present to your clients. You can create “Menus” where you’ll insert different types of products (from deserts, to drinks, to pastries, etc…). The “Items” are the products, that clients may request.
The “Information” option allows you to add a new button with the selling item’s information about the menu.

What is the difference between "Request Board" and "LED Panel"?

The “Request Board” shows all requests made, while the “LED Panel” allows you to alert your employees to the most urgent requests only. These panels are ideal for kitchen or orders room display, in the place where requests are better seen and communicated, for instance on a big tv, or on a terminal screen.

More about AirMenu


Configurator Tutorial

AirMenu Vídeo Tutorials

API Integration

Integration by API/ HTTP

API (PostMan)

Integration by Windows DLL




WhatsApp ( English)

WhatsApp ( Português)

Bug Report

Latest tutorials and tips

AirMenu Courier, Android

AirMenu Courier, Android

You can see by the green or red LED on top of the photo who has the APP on or off. The various couriers, pick-up locations, and the customer's location appear on the map. Download Courier App:

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AirMenu Print, Android

AirMenu Print, Android

Android program for taking orders and printing on Android printers. It also allows configuring Flags that can be used to control the status of orders on AirMenu.

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Need more Support?

Please contact us using our form for further clarification. If you still have any questions about the benefits of becoming our partner, we want to know.