Solve complexity, manage simplicity!

Customize and deliver a request management solution primed for the growth of your clients.

Start solving for the services market by offering an optimized and business-model adjusted solution to your back-end needs and your clients’ front-end wishes.

Join an Established Model

With more than a decade of experience, AirMenu offers our Partners both an insightful approach as well as several success cases to inspire and venture with.

Increase your profit margins

Earn money on all your customers transactions. We only charge per usage.

Learning tools and Support

All training is free. We are always willing to help and train our partners. We are constantly creating new digital content, videos, manuals etc… to help with training.

Faster development time

Create a customized solution for your customers in just a few hours. Using AirMenu, it is possible to create solutions for very complex requirements that otherwise would take years to develop.


All customers who contact us are customers of our partners. We believe that we only exist on the success of our partners.

Become an AirMenu Partner

With more than a decade of experience, AirMenu offers our Partners both an insightful approach as well as several success cases to inspire and venture with.